Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 10 2008
How to Cite
Caballero Leguizamón, J. E. (2008). Proposal of Integral formation in architecture from the patrimony. Revista De Arquitectura, 10(1), 75–95. Retrieved from

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This proposal of articulating architecture as a discipline and patrimony as the emphasis inside the curricular structure is borne inside a process of experience of more than twenty years of teaching architecture and of more than 15 years in processes of taking consciousness, research and of informal formation in favor of the patrimony. This text was built more as a step inside a process begun in the last decade of last century, when the possibility of building formative processes starting from the patrimony and directed to support the (re)construction of the Colombian nation reflection began. The formation-education of the Colombians starting from architectural heritage is erected as a traverse axis of tools inside an open and flexible vision of the curricula for the profession of the architecture.



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