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Cañete-Islas, O. (2024). Complexity and morphological refinement in teaching experiences from pre-architectural modelling. Eternal return of pure forms. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(2).
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From ending of 20th century, a field of morphological exploration has been becoming autonomous, in various disciplines and fields of study. In the case of architecture, this autonomization has been taking place on the basis of a procedural, even algorithmic, depuration that operates on a form, depurating it, and abstracting certain qualities, extending, not without successive crises, the true paradigm of pure forms, typical of modernity. This has generated not only an extension of this general principle, new ways of approaching it. In each new wave, it seems that new acts or formal configurations are explored and exhausted in their architectural expressions. Notions such as patterns, folds, covers and morphological envelopes, modular growths and fragmentations, decomposition or deconstruction of panels or pieces, superpositions, deformations, among many others, only reinforce this general tendency, understood as a debugging deployment of the same initial modern paradigm. In the present article, part of this paradigmatic development is reviewed, and part of the author's own experiences are exposed.



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