RevArq 15 2013
How to Cite
Lukomski Jurczynski, A., Cuesta Beleño, A., Castellanos Garzón, G., & Agudelo Castañeda, J. (2013). New rurality as an emerging reality and its application to the region of Yopal. Revista De Arquitectura, 15(1), 6–21.

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The aim of this paper is to build a theoretical and conceptual tool to achieve a new reading of the territory different from the traditional forms as shown in the land use plans, based on the concepts of a new rurality, the emerging paradigm and game system. The material used is related to information gathered in meetings with community leaders, government agencies, mapping and written documentation. The method used is the meta-method, which is constructed with the participation of different actors that are part of the investigation. One result of this work is the construction of joint categories to start a new way of approaching territory. In addition, we reach some conclusions such as the identification of a complex reality, which cannot be analyzed in a piecemeal way, if we want to approach sustainable regional development.



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