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Páramo, P., Burbano, A., Aguilar, M., García-Anco, E., Pari-Portillo, E., Jiménez-Domínguez, B., López-Aguilar, R., Moyano-Díaz, E., Viera, E., Elgier, A. M., Rosas, G., & Viera, J. (2021). The experience of walking in Latin American cities. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 23(1), 20–33.

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The results of a descriptive study that explores how the inhabitants of eight cities in six Latin American countries (Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, Uruguay and Chile) evaluate the conditions that make those cities walkable are presented. A total of 1133 people rated, by means of a questionnaire made up of 50 items, different situations that arise when walking, an instrument that was complemented by 144 semi-structured interviews. Based on a descriptive correlational analysis, using the multidimensional scaling program, Smallest Space Analysis (SSA), the three dimensions proposed to capture the experience of walking are confirmed: 1) the purposes that people pursue when walking, 2) the place where they walk, and 3) the spatial and social conditions that inhibit or promote this experience; the elements that make up each dimension are also identified. These findings are integrated with the results of the semi-structured interviews to be discussed in terms of their implications for urban planning and management.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    



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