How to Cite
Polo-Garzón, C., & López-Valencia, A. P. (2020). Children’s participation in urban projects. Play in public spaces for the promotion of the learning of environmental concepts. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 22(2), 126–140.

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A state of the art of children's participation in urban processes is presented. The cognitive objective of the study is to know what are the trends and approaches currently used to involve children in urban projects which improve environmental conditions. The study has a qualitative and interpretative documentary design. The first phase of analysis was the construction of the conceptual framework and definition of the characteristics that guided the study; in the second phase, the study cases were chosen according to the defined characteristics, and the third phase consisted of the individual and comparative analysis of the study cases. As a result, a comparative information matrix is presented that shows current theoretical and conceptual trends, highlighting the interactions between urban design, children's participation, and the learning of environmental themes to promote the improvement of urban habitat.



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