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Páramo , P. ., & Burbano, A. (2019). The walkability of Bogota : purposes and socio-spatial conditions that facilitate and limit this experience. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 21(2), 12–21.

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Studies have approached walking from literature, phenomenology, health research, sociology, gender studies, urban management and architecture. However, few in our environment have collected and systematized the assessments of a city's inhabitants based on their experiences as pedestrians. Thus, the present research aimed to shed some light on this topic. The article presents the results of a descriptive, correlational study that explores the way in which Bogota residents assess how walkable the city is. A total of 305 people from diverse age groups, genders, and different city districts participated in the study by responding to a 50 item ad hoc questionnaire to evaluate different social and physical conditions of public space, relevant to making the city walkable. A multidimensional scaling analysis, the Smallest Space Analysis (SSA), allowed researchers to establish some key factors when determining the purposes, the places people walk, and the socio-spatial conditions associated with the walking experience. The results are discussed based on the implications of walking public spaces on the quality of urban life, the formulation of public policies, planning, and urban management.



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