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Molina-Prieto, L. F., Suárez-Serrano, M., & Villa-Camacho, M. E. (2019). Multidisciplinary loop for urban sustainability. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 21(2), 76–88.

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Accelerated growth of the urban population creates environmental, economic, and social problems, in which inputs require urban processes for their normal functioning (energy, materials, and water), in industrial, economic, and human aspects. Additionally, the outputs generated in the production of goods and services are recognized, which create a series of undesired externalities. The methodology included interdisciplinary work, divided into four phases: planning, literature review, interpretation of the results, and formulation. As a result, we present eight concepts that strengthen urban sustainabiIity: closed loop, urban metabolism, industrial ecology, circular economy, value network, inverse logistics, environmental psychology, and eco-design, upon which a proposal to strengthen urban sustainability through a multifactorial model was created. The article concludes that to achieve urban sustainabiIity, it is necessary to create connecting vessels between disciplines that directly affect the dynamics that give life to contemporary cities.



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