How to Cite
Eligio-Triana, C. (2017). The Revista de Arquitectura among the best publications : XXV Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism 2016 and new SIRES. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 19(1), 3–5.

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In September 2016, the Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism celebrated its XXV edition, where the Revista de Arquitectura participated in the category of Dissemination and Publications. There were 21 editorial projects registered in this category between books and serials, 11 of which were selected. Due to its contribution to the discipline in academic and research settings, as well as to its scientific and editorial quality and visibility, the Journal has been selected by the jury during more than 17 years. This recognition allowed the Revista de Arquitectura to be part of the traveling exhibition and of the publication, in book form, of the testimony of the biennial, where the mark of its work will remain. The Revista de Arquitectura has undergone various changes due to the constant and dynamic demands of the academic publishing world and advances in information and communication technologies of which it has always been at the forefront; thus, this recognition adds to those obtained in the last few months, such as being included in new bibliographic indexes: Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) (2017) and bibliographic databases with selection committee REDIB (2016) and DOAJ (2017).



Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ (2017). Revista de Arquitectura. Suecia: Universidad de Lund. Recuperado de:

Eligio-Triana, C. (2016). Acceso abierto un compromiso de todos Retos para el presente. Revista se Arquitectura, 18(1), 3-5. doi:

Emerging Sources Citation Index - ESCI (2017). Architecture - Journal List. Boston: Clarivate Analytics. Recuperado de:

Escala (1962) Primera Bienal de Arquitectura. Revista Escala, 1 (3). 1-22

Publindex (2017) Actualización de los Sistemas de Indexación y Resumen ? SIR. Bogotá: Colciencias. Recuperado de:

Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico - REDIB (2016). Revista de Arquitectura. España: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC y UNIVERSIA Recuperado de:

Romero Frieri, Flavio Enrique (2016) Presentación libro XXV bienal colombiana de arquitectura y urbanismo. [Página Web] Bogotá: Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos. Recuperado de:

Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos - SCA (2016) XXV bienal colombiana de arquitectura y urbanismo. Bogotá: Sociedad Colombiana de Arquitectos.

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