How to Cite
Mejía-Amézquita, V., & Grisales-Vargas, A. L. (2016). The plan, a messianic act of the project architect : the historical situation of design in the modernizing utopia. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 18(2), 71–81.

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The disciplinary origins of design are resumed based on the dichotomy between the creative logics of an academic and the logics of a common man without academic training as a project architect. The investigative exercise has allowed to recognize that "built-in" cultural practices and collective bets, understood as an intention approved by a social group, can be seen as the substrate that determines the logics of the projective task that transforms the world. These assumptions were decisive at the moment of establishing the position that would define design as a "third area of human knowledge" from the twentieth century until today. The result of this research invites the reader to take a critical stance against the role of design seen as a discipline that oscillates between what is conceived from the logic of the trained project architect and what is completed by the hands of the worker, in a scenario of multiplicity of de facto coexistences that juxtapose one with the other in concrete places and in determined times.



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