Revista de Arquitectura Vol.17 Nro.1
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Hosseinabadi, S. (2015). "El Dorado", French or German style? a comparative study of movie theaters in Strasbourg. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 17(1), 32–43.

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This work contains studied theaters built in Strasbourg in the early twentieth century, following the approach of cultural transfer studies with the aim of highlighting their hybrid aspects. To do this from a comparative study of the experiences of Paris and Berlin they analyzed the first theaters built before the Great War-a period in which Strasbourg was German, and some cases of the interwar period - when Alsace was returned to France. Currently architecture for the exhibition of movie theaters in Strasbourg has been briefly approached in isolation and in some academic work. This comparative study goes beyond the periodization of the Alsatian architectural history, taking into account the changes of sovereignty in the border region. The importance of movie theaters as a building type suitable for transferring architectural models and crossbreeding is revealed as well as the need to extend this type of analysis to a transcontinental scale.



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