Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 10 2008
How to Cite
Hernández, D. M. (2008). The urban investigation : a multidisciplinary voyage. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 10(1), 10–14. Retrieved from

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The present article defines to the urban investigation as a multidisciplinary voyage from which should be approached, keeping in mind the crossing of knowledge, the complexity of the communicational process. To leave this position three central hypothesis they are exposed: to) the images taken place in the means don’t belong to them, but to the audiences, in the same way, the image of the city and of the architecture it belongs to the observer, still if this image conforms to through the means. b) the construction of alone sense can understand each other if he/she looks at himself the communication like a dynamic process and c) the configuration of the citizenship sense and the city meaning also goes by the means. These hypotheses in turn show the topics that could conform the investigation lines on the sense and the meaning of the city in means. In the rehearsal, also, they intend the following categories: node, net, image, social representations and mockery, as essentials to approach the analysis. For the closing of the text they are suggested, based on the sketched positions, some possible derivative investigations.



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