Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 13 2011
How to Cite
Mejía Amézquita, V. (2011). Le Corbusier : architecture as a project of the world, approach to a philosophy of architecture. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 13(1), 66–72. Retrieved from

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This article is a result of the reflection around the modern architecture as a human product than, supported by technical, gives answers to the human needs in the process of living in the world. The point is the search and reinterpretation of a "world project" that has been considered the "machining" of the world inhabit by some, and, for others, has been understood as a an movement that opted for the anthropological essence behind the need to give material expression to the human inhabit. This paper does not seek to make a "claim" to rescue Le Corbusier, as I am aware that each historical period has different answers by human products that account for conditions in the cultures, which clearly would not make sense to emulate; rather what I tried to make a "reinterpretation" of the proposed world was conceived with the modern movement in architecture and, particularly, with Le Corbusier.



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