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Giraldo-Castañeda, W., Alejandro Jesus, & De los Ríos-Arce, A. F. (2024). Methodology for valuing-built heritage. A look from the sun – building relationship, case study Universidad del Valle. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(2).
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The purpose of this article is to present a method for valuing-built heritage from the sun-building relationship and to disseminate the architectural richness of the set of buildings at the Universidad del Valle Meléndez headquarters in Cali. The methodology consists of four phases that use survey procedures and equipment, environmental monitoring, virtual modelling and bioclimatic analysis. This approach offers an alternative perspective for valuing wealth. In the case study, a deep knowledge was found on the part of the designers about natural lighting and solar control strategies, in which the envelope was identified as a complex architectural device that contributes to both aesthetics and comfort. The methodology allows combining qualitative and quantitative approaches in heritage research, prioritizing the evaluation of the quality of natural lighting and solar protection, aspects underestimated in the traditional assessment of heritage. The importance of using tools, representation techniques and digital analysis for the understanding and revaluation of heritage architecture is highlighted.



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