Memoria de apóstoles - Luis Alberto Martínez Camacho
How to Cite
Geronimo Del-Roio, I., Lorenz-Fontolan, B., Ramos-Esperidião, A., & Iarozinski-Neto, A. (2024). Analysis of natural disaster risk perception with user satisfaction in the residential context. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(2), 109–122.
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Human activities, combined with lack of urban planning, degrade the quality of life and sense of security among individuals. However, what specific aspects of the urban environment are related to the perception of natural disaster risk? Using the Survey method, the study collected information from a sample of 279 homeowners, selected non-probabilistically for convenience. Correlations were examined between subjective perceptions of natural disaster risk and satisfaction with housing and the environment. Additionally, the study investigated the
relationship between the sample’s socioeconomic profile and perception of natural disaster risk. The results indicated that concern about adverse environmental events negatively influences satisfaction. In the housing context, characteristics such as façade materials, lighting and safety showed an inverse relationship with risk perception. Similarly, urban environment elements
such as water supply and sanitation, access to Internet and telephone and cleanliness of public streets and sidewalks showed a negative correlation. Therefore, the quality of neighborhood infrastructure influences how residents perceive their protection against potential natural
disasters in the urban environment.



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