How to Cite
Cañola, H. D. (2024). From Binde to industrial fire, Domestic architecture of Afro-descendant communities in the Colombian Caribbean. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(1), 147–164.
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The conceptualization of what we know as architecture, is originated in the discovery of fire, allowing the need to cook and the evolution of the people, achieving the intellectual development and living in society. For this reason, this research establishes a study on the importance of the stove and its transition as an architectural component in Afro-descendant communities of the Colombian Caribbean, the above through an ethnographic and ergonomic analysis from the adaptation of man to the stoves. As a result, it is determined that the Binde transcends the bench stove as a result of the economy factors and improvement of postures linked to the ergonomics of the old cooks; as well as the transition from the bench stove to the industrial stove due to the risks produced by the use of wood as a biofuel, this supported in references, results of ethnographic analysis and interviews. However, it is established that the typologies of wood stoves are currently part of the gastronomic tradition, despite the technological developments linked to industrial stoves, present in rural and urban communities of the Municipality of Turbo and Necoclí.



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