How to Cite
Díaz-Macías, B. E., & López-León, R. (2023). Inhabitant, environment and society: experiences of an integral design model. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 25(2), 165–174.
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One of the drawbacks that architects face the most when designing is the complexity that, by nature, implies such activity, which is due to the multiple variables involved in it. Failure to understand this complexity can lead to designs with errors and deficiencies, to formal solutions that do not truly solve the problem. Tools are needed to help understand and manage this complexity and guide the designer in decision making. The objective is to present a comprehensive design model that accomplishes this task. To evaluate its applicability, a qualitative methodology was used, in which the model was implemented in workshops by architecture students. The result is a methodological tool that differs from existing models due to its integral perspective and its nature, focused on three design axes: inhabitant, environment and society.



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