How to Cite
López-Carmona, J.-A., & Molina-Saldarriaga, M.-L. (2022). Aesthetic and urban análisis of Pasaje Cervantes: Simbolic connections for creative intervention proposals. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(2), 61–71.
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The article presents the results of the research project carried out in 2018 within the Fundación Universitaria Bellas Artes de Medellín (FUBA), which aimed to strengthen the theoretical and conceptual bases to propose transformations of a physical, media, urban nature, artistic and communicative. The theme is defined by two interests: First, the recognition and activation of identity vectors to strengthen identity processes on the collective imagination of the Cervantes passage, in the center of the city. Second, to establish the historical, cultural and contextual conditions that can be exploited as design variables in the transformation processes of Medellín; from the analysis of symbolic and urban variables that allow to recognize the importance of studying the symbolic universe of urban spaces, within the exercise of planning and urban intervention. Finally, the aesthetic and semiotic reflections made from the analysis of semiotic pictures and maps of variables are exposed.



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