How to Cite
Alejandro Jesús. (2021). Popular collective imaginary as a construct of the Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Program in Bogotá. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 23(2), 12–23.
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This article tries to unveil the fragmentation caused by the Programas de Mejoramiento Integral de Barrios (PMIB) [Comprehensive Neighborhood Improvement Programs (PMIB, for its Spanish acronym)] and the popular collective imaginary of the occupants of informal settlements. The objective of this research is to interpret the relationship of the PMIBs in Ciudad Bolívar, in Bogotá, D.C. (2012 - 2015), with the popular collective imaginary of the inhabitants of that locality, as a socio-spatial construct. The methodological approach is shaped by systematic processes supported by a method that aims to show an X-ray of the complexity of reality in relation to the socio-spatial phenomenon, from a mixed approach, through the application of methods (phenomenological and hermeneutic) with the perspective of complex thinking, to establish the dialectics between the spatial, the social and the State. Finally, it is confirmed that the PMIB generate a detriment of the social and spatial dimensions that make up the foundational and historical specificities of the neighborhood.



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