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Galindo-Díaz, J., Osuna-Motta, I., & Marulanda-Montes, A. (2020). To compose the facade to design the envelope : the example of the architect Juvenal Moya in Cali. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 22(1), 94–106.

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Recognizing the legacy of the work of the Colombian architect Juvenal Moya Cadena (1921–1958) allows identifying project strategies related to passive air conditioning. The hypothesis is based on the influence he received from Leopoldo Rother (1894-1978) on architecture, landscape and climate. Methodologically, a descriptive and functional analysis of the Regular Normal School building (Cali-Colombia, 1946) is carried out on aspects such as the genesis of the project, the various facade alternatives and the validity and validity of the responses through computer simulations. In this project Moya conceives a double facade system in response to the problems of solar radiation and lighting of the spaces destined to the classrooms because of the orientation of the building, using a careful analysis of the place and the rigorous layout of the letter solar, in such a way that it managed to anticipate pioneering solutions in the field of technique and architectural spatiality. The conclusions demonstrate the way in which in the first generations of Colombian architects there was a concern to respond to the climatic conditions of the country and account for the projectual instruments that were available for it.



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