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Díaz-Osorio, M. S. (2019). Collective architectures and participation as strategies for the construction of a latin american city. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 21(2), 3–11.

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As a result of the rapid growth of Latin American peripheries, where the disconnection between planning processes and the scarce participation of architects is evident, it is necessary to identify trends related to processes of participation and construction of collective architectures. Through a comparative exercise between groups of recognized Latin American architects in seminars and competitions in the past twenty years, and who have undertaken interventions in peripheral areas of Latin America, common interests and operations have been identified, including community participation, interdisciplinary action, and the management and realization of low-cost projects with local materials. These emerging trends open diverse research spaces regarding the professional practice. These contributions strengthen the disciplinary interest in impacting processes of urban transformation that improve the ways of living and the quality of life of social groups. Additionally, the article identifies possible contributions to the commitments of the New Urban Agenda.



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