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Álvarez-Álvarez, J. J. (2019). Notes for rethinking the teaching of architecture : the epistemological question and the need for an expanded reason. Revista De Arquitectura, 21(2), 57–67.

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It is necessary to rethink the teaching of architecture such that it can harmoniously integrate the three dimensions that have always comprised it (art, technique, and science) and avoid the fragmented presentation of knowledge. Based on pedagogical research and the systematization of experiences of teaching exchanges, this article develops theoretical support from philosophy of science, technology, and anthropology. It addresses the epistemological question and the need to address rethinking from expanded reason, open to the plurality and richness of reality. The article considers although not all subject areas allow for an equally deep rethinking, it is always possible to recognize the possibilities different disciplines offer, as well as the limits that prevent them from contributing to mankind's' progress in the search for increasingly profound and transcendental truths. Changes in teaching follow from this rethinking, including integrated and meaningful teaching, and far from the addition of humanistic topics as a complement to students' training.



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