How to Cite
Ferretti, M. A., Navarrete-Escobedo, D., & Álvarez-Pedrosian, E. (2018). Disputes over meaning and its logics of location in the neoliberal urban setting. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 20(1), 14–23.

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This research revolves around the current context of hyper-accumulation of capital, and disputes between the social system and the technical system that, as power formations, affect the process of production and structuring of urban space, the recognition of processes of subjectivation in the production of meaning, as well as the way in which the technical system disturbs communicative actions between subjects. Based on a dialectical hermeneutic between different theoretical positions, the article seeks confrontation and synthesis while aiming to reconstruct semiotic procedures that account for the disputes presented in the study. Thus, the theoretical discussion will account for the internal movements that desire or enjoyment can generate within systems when difference is at stake with respect to their environment.



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