Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 08 2006
How to Cite
Flórez Millán, L. A. (2006). Celebration and city august 6th : 1930-1960, historical retrospective of the Bogotá anniversary celebration. Revista De Arquitectura, 8(1), 12–17. Retrieved from

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This text proposes a socio-cultural study of the “The Bogotá anniversary Celebration”, and how this manifestation through the enrichment and the cultural diversity has sought to transform the day-to-day life of its inhabitants. By means of this approach to the festive topic, as theoretical content and as expression of the diverse socio-cultural manifestations that today circulates under the speech of folk festivities or shows, the facts that evidence the necessity of its study settle down on the reconstruction of its complexity and of their elements so much physical as mental present in a socio – temporal space, next to the city idea in the intention of building it as discussion scenario and project of socio-spatial imaginary that harbors the fact of the urbanization as long as historical configuration, of the dignity and of coming from the current individuals and futures and that it represents a challenge for the individual and collective creativity in terms of its space quality and container of the life; and in the correlation of these two variables, by means of the interdisciplinary strategic unfolding, in the construction of the concept of nation.




Academia Colombiana de Historia. Boletín de Historia y Antigüedades. Bogotá: 1930-1960. Volúmenes 19 a 43.


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