How to Cite
Contreras-Lovich, H. N. (2016). The social representation of public space for the design and management of sustainable territories : a theoretical-practical and methodological proposal for participatory planning. Revista De Arquitectura, 18(1), 18–34.

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From participatory integrated management, spatial development of the territories seen by the individual is oriented to understand the management, action and land from the difference between the city understood as what it is and public space as an object of observation. The ways to collect the information were the literature review and from the application of a mixed methodology, experiential representations of individuals who build knowledge and knowledge from the cultural space lived, where experiences were evident and spatial practices prevailing in the development of a participatory urbanism. The proposal consolidates from making, knowledge and assessing, in a humanized trialectics environment. This article concludes with the contributions of the proposal in theoretical, practical and methodological terms, in order to validate a participatory human management in which the individual will become a creative being that fosters quality of life and social welfare.



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