Revista de Arquitectura Vol.17 Nro.1
How to Cite
Jacquin, L. (2015). For a history of the transformation of buildings dealing with the existing. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 17(1), 92–100.

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The architectural intervention that exists has become, today, a new paradigm of the project, demanding from the history of architectural practices, a new look that draws on existing interests. From the hypothesis that ancient practices can provide, even to this day, tools to think the project, in this article the analysis of two notable buildings is proposed – the church of Saint-Denis (France) and the Temple in Malatesta (Italy) - from an approach that favors the relationship established between the old and the new in architectural projects, whose focus is on the evolution of the issues and challenges in this field, as well as the analysis of the architects’ positions. These aspects are discussed here from the perspective of the relationship between the old and new in the project, and its transformation stages, translated and brought out through drawing, with the aim of repositioning in a broad time frame, the history of project execution in the existing one.



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