Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 07 2005
How to Cite
Iriarte, H. (2005). Mythical and literary cities. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 7(1), 24–27. Retrieved from

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Throughout history, form mythical time, men have dreamt of cities and have built them in some place of the real world under parameters of their own imagination and of the creation myths of their gods. These cities are the representation of an urban man that has found the language of his own essence in formal structure, signifying a representation of his life as immortal manifestation. It is precisely in those words and written language, in which these actors search for permanency in history not only through a formal making of their architectural and urban spaces but with the representation of their own perceptions. From this on goes the recognition of the meaning of cities as the destination place for urban actors, reality and imaginaries.



ARGUEDAS, José María. Los ríos profundos . Santiago: Editorial Universitaria , 1969. 261 p.

ARISTÓFANES. Las aves. Madrid: Aguilar, 1965. 125 p.; 19 cm.

BORGES, Jorge Luis. Obras completas de Jorge Luis Borges. Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1954-1957. 3 v.:il.; 19 cm.

CALVINO, Italo. Las ciudades invisibles. Barcelona: Minotauro, 1999. 250 p.; 20 cm.

CAVAFIS, Constantino. Veinticinco poemas de Cavafis. Barcelona: Lumen, 1971. 47 p.: il. ; 23 cm.

CYRANO DE BERGERAC, Savinien. Los paraísos posibles: noticias del otro mundo; Viaje a la luna; El brujo y su viaje a los planetas y dominios del sol. Bogotá: Altamir Ediciones, 1996. 244 p.; 21 cm.

GARCÍA MÁRQUEZ, Gabriel. Cien años de soledad. Bogotá: Oveja Negra, 1984. 347 p. ;20 cm.

PLATÓN. Timaeus ; Critias ; Cleitophon ; Menexenus ; Epistles. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1929. 635 p.; 17 cm.

RULFO, Juan. Pedro Páramo. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1968. 128 p.; 17 cm.

SÁBATO, Ernesto. Sobre héroes y tumbas. Buenos Aires: Compañía General Farril Editora, 1961. 417 p.; 19 cm.

SAMOSATA, Luciano de. ALSINA CLOTA, José. Obras. Madrid: Editorial Gredos,1981-1988 4 v. ;20 cm.

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