Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 12 2010
How to Cite
Rosenmann Becerra, R. I. (2010). The autonomous computer micro world : the danger of the virtual context in the real conformation of architecture. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 12(1), 111–118. Retrieved from

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The computational development of the projects has generated deep changes in the foundations, the conceptions, the development forms and representation. The achievements in the speed, the facilitation of the development processes, the accuracy of the mapping, the perfection of the image and the introduction of the virtual space to simulate the reality, they are contrasted with the widespread tendency to the conception of unique object without subject, the atomization of the reflection, the repetition, the indifference of the reality, of the place and of the environmental environment, the given socialization and historical disaffection. An exit is intended with the conception of the incarnated and socially inhabited space.



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