Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 12 2010
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Parrinello, S. (2010). Documenting the urban image of the historical center of Santiago de Cuba. Revista De Arquitectura, 12(1), 48–57. Retrieved from

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This work stems from a collaboration agreement between the University of Florence (Department of Architecture, Design, History and Project), the Faculty of Building Construction of the Universidad de Oriente, and the Oficina del Conservador de la Ciudad de Santiago de Cuba in order to test documentation systems for the City’s Master Plan. The objective of this study has been to identify systems analysis and architectural survey, aimed at developing interactive tools for managing the built heritage. This surveying experience has involved researchers and students of the Faculty of Architecture University of Florence in Santiago de Cuba for a period of three months, focusing the analysis on the three main squares of the historical center: Parque Cespedes, Plaza Dolores, and Plaza de Marte.



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