Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 11 2009
How to Cite
Eligio Triana, C., & Verdugo Reyes, H. (2009). The classical project in architecture : approach to a projectual strategy. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 11(1), 74–82. Retrieved from

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The project concept is bound to the architect’s daily chore and it outlines, among other, two basic ways of approach, the classic project and the modern project. Any of two implies the definition methods and procedures and instruments and tools, with which the architect is in capacity of facing the solution to an outlined architecture problem. This article reflects on the classic project, which implies to keep in mind and to consider precedents and records of diverse nature, which condition the result and the specific way of proceeding in one or another way, building a narrow relationship among the subject, the object and the process of knowledge generated in the interaction of both.



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