Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 14 2012
How to Cite
Rodríguez Botero, G. D. (2012). Type, analysis and project. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 14(1), 97–115. Retrieved from

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The present paper has the objective of discussing the possibility to establish the basic elements for a reflection about the relationship between the analysis and the project as structure of an operative methodology. It confronts the ideas outlined by several authors that, in an or another way they have contributed to the construction of a theory of the architectural project starting from the type notion, where this it is conceived as a formal invariants that one reveals in diverse works of architecture and it is located at the level of the deep structure in the way. Also, it establishes the type idea like a cognitive process through the one which the reality of the apparent architecture their primordial content and, simultaneously, as an operative method that embodies the same base of the act of projecting.



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