Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 14 2012
How to Cite
Villar Lozano, M. R. (2012). Didactic strategy for the learning of the history and the theory of the architecture. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 14(1), 76–86. Retrieved from

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The article approaches the subject from to theoretical point of view of the teaching processes - learning starting from the pattern of self-structuring that centers the exercise of construction of the knowledge, making of this to significant experience that strengthens in the so much student their intellectual development, ace their self-esteem, the approach and the autonomy. Apparent the importance of approaching the learning of the different components of the architecture in an integral way, for that which the history and the theory play like half of understanding and reflection of the processes and projectual systems in the time and, the later deconstruction of the same ones, for the sake of creative retrials. For this it outlines as tools the analysis of relating and the study of the types and their respective variations like formal structure, determined by different historical contexts. It supplements the didactics through tools that the formation of the argument and the critic favor as fundamental scenarios for this processes.



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