Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 14 2012
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Fuentes Farias, F. J. (2012). An approach to the architectural space. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 14(1), 36–42. Retrieved from

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Starting from the apparent built space the intentions and their inhabitants’ mental experiences or manufacturers, for example, meanings, memories, constructive outlines, I attach for the places, etc., ¿What type of knowledge is it possible about the intangible cultural patrimony related with the built space? An answer thinks about from the studies of the complexity. It takes as fact the meaning and the conception of this space summarizing this way other involved factors, as the linguistic rules and of classification of the environment in the social, territorial and psychological planes. Comparing concepts key used in you discipline dedicated to the topic, ace the symbols and the intentions expressed in to certain cheat-space, they intend the principles of the complexity to demonstrate the resources among different levels of reality, ace the social, mental territorial and. It confirms the role of the systems of rules and models of perception and action in the classification of the built space.



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