Revista de Arquitectura (Bogotá) 14 2012
How to Cite
Cattaneo, D. A. (2012). Character, public character, national characters : variations, persistences and interpretations around the public edilicia. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 14(1), 24–35. Retrieved from

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Inquiries about public modern buildings led us to reflect on the place or repositioning of the concept of character within the founding discourses of "modern architecture" and this meant a return to the theoretical foundations of the theories of character. Considering, on one hand, the elements of architecture in the classical tradition and its reformulation after the French Revolution and, on the other hand, the challenges that the modernization processes presented to the architectural culture towards the late nineteenth century, this work analyzes the issue of character as a vital element within an integrated system of architectural thinking. This reflection begins by looking into two different historiographical revisions published in the 1980s and then by making a selection of authors who deal with this concept. Their productions are studied chronologically as primary sources of the French architectural theory. At the same time, emphasis is placed on its connection with public buildings and its relations with the idea of national characters, seeking to detect variations of the term, its persistence arcs and its possible interpretations, as well as changes in direction.



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