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Colella-Castro, F. (2016). The landscape of horizontal habitats : the Tuscolano unit in Rome and the village of entrevías in Madrid. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 18(2), 50–59.

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The comparative analysis between the Tuscolano Unit designed by Adalberto Libera and the Village of Entrevías designed by Francisco J. Sáenz de Oíza gives evidence of common design strategies that focused on establishing a strong link between architecture, landscape, and territory in their different contexts of action: Rome and Madrid. The objective is to investigate the design strategies of these housing units called "horizontal habitats:" residential complexes of low height and high density that integrate houses with the landscape, the artificial with the natural. The design of the layout determines the great porosity of the complexes, characterized by the presence of public squares, pedestrian streets, and private backyards. Libera and Sáenz de Oíza developed an autochthonous landscape, through a project in which the Mediterranean cultural origin prevails, and they established a strong connection with the place by conceiving the housing units as artificial topographies that are adapted to the existing environmental structures.



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