Centro Cultural Gabriel García Márquez (2004 ? 2008). Calle 11 No. 5 - 60 Bogotá, Colombia Arquitecto Rogelio Salmona Fotografía: Cristian Camilo Martínez Díaz (2014)
How to Cite
Cubillos González, R. A., Trujillo, J., Cortés Cely, O. A., Rodríguez Álvarez, C. M., & Villar Lozano, M. R. (2014). Habitability as design variable of buildings heading towards sustainability. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 16(1), 114–125. https://doi.org/10.14718/RevArq.2014.16.13

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Today, population growth and climate change affect the optimum habitability of buildings. Therefore, a bad design causes that habitability fails to respond the requirements of users and the current climate conditions. On the basis of the analysis of population growth and the climate changes taking place in Bogota, is it possible to evaluate the habitability quality of buildings and, consequently, create optimum designs that allow a sustainable use in time and adequate adaptation to current climate changes? In order to do so, the habitability analysis should be aimed at designing resilient buildings. To that end, the Information Management System created, intends to generate models that estimate a building's adaptability time and sustainability. The approximation of the habitability concept posits the interrelation of variables from the sociocultural and environmental views; the latter understood as a system. Finally, the article concludes that the software prototype at this time turns out to be an exploration laboratory for the generation of another software that could lead to a utility patent and be used professionally.



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