Centro Cultural Gabriel García Márquez (2004 ? 2008). Calle 11 No. 5 - 60 Bogotá, Colombia Arquitecto Rogelio Salmona Fotografía: Cristian Camilo Martínez Díaz (2014)
How to Cite
Villa Montoya, F., & Correa Velásquez, L. (2014). Urban and formal analysis of Miguel de Aguinaga building. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 16(1), 38–47. https://doi.org/10.14718/RevArq.2014.16.5

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The purpose of this paper is to formulate guidelines of analysis between the Miguel Aguinaga Building and its urban surrounding, in order to look into the design thinking strategies of the architect through some of the most representative buildings of his professional trajectory within the framework of office buildings typology. The state of the art and text structure illustrate two parts. The first one makes reference to two topics: bibliographic review on Modern Architecture´s consolidation in the city of Medellin, and the use of architecture formal analysis categories on: emplacement, program, and sections; the second one develops the formal analysis of the building in its original state through planimetrics and photographies of the times. These two parts intersect each other as a conclusion, where the building is presented as a formal strategy of connection between the inside and the outside.



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