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Rincón-Martínez, J. C. (2024). EHDaP: Environmental Habitability Data Processor. Revista De Arquitectura, 27(1).
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The human, technological, financial, and time resources required to perform data analysis in environmental habitability studies can be onerous, due to the software, analysis method, and variables considered. The Environmental Habitability Data Processor (EHDaP) is a computer tool that processes the environmental habitability studies' data in a simple and efficient way, based on three correlation methods: Simple linear regression, average by thermal sensation intervals and ANSI/ASHARAE 55. It is configured in spreadsheets based on functions, graphs and macros that allow to systematically correlate environmental variables with comfort votes from three analysis stages: Treatment of atypical data, correlation of variables and estimation of indicators and environmental models. The use of this computer tool offers significant efficiency in the resources used for data processing, allowing researchers a greater focus and dedication in the methodology used and the database consolidation. The EHDaP reliability has been demonstrated in recent thermal comfort research, since the results obtained are similar to those obtained manually using the different analysis methods.



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