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Rivera-González, O. D. (2024). Urban resilience and landslide risk prevention mapping models, Mexico City. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(2).
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Several landslides affect homes throughout Mexico City (CDMX), therefore, urban resilience is very important to adapt to such adversities momentarily, with the objective of establishing civil protection measures in the short term. The central point in the present analysis is the adaptation of people through urban resilience and the brief solution to any risk that may occur, however, the preventive attention by the government with the population is what really establishes the real protection and care of the inhabitants. As an example, the Las Águilas neighborhood in the Álvaro Obregón municipality was chosen as a study area, where a landslide occurred and partially affected a house. Therefore, a preventive model was generated by means of map algebra, elaborated with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which reveals the degree of erosivity and possible affectation based on the geographic characteristics of the soil. The cartographic results revealed different levels of risk, which can be implemented in the study area by means of urban restructuring and consensual relocation, visualizing that urban resilience is not the only way to be implemented; on the contrary, it is only a moment that should be taken into account to establish protection for the population, replicating itself in the future in other parts of Mexico and even in other Latin American countries where this problem occurs.



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