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Delgado-Bohórquez, A., Ávila Beneras, C., & Vasco Palacios, K. L. (2024). Forests and Urban Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Guayaquil. A comparative and multi-scalar analysis. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(2).
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In the current conditions of climate change, nations around the world and in the Latin America Region face the challenge of attending the demands resulting from a constant urban growth while at the same time trying to reduce environmental damage. Ecuador, particularly Guayaquil, is not an exception to the above, is a city that historically has suffered a continuous degradation of its two main natural ecosystems, the tropical dry forest, and the mangrove swamp, by an extended urban development. Objectives for this study were to analyse the relationship of forests or forest remnants with selected neighbourhood units and the influence of the urban form of these units on the sustainability and the well-being of their inhabitants. This research performs a multi-scalar analysis to the level of the city and a comparative analysis of different urban patterns at the neighbourhood level. Moreover, the research outlines the potential of land value instruments to promote and secure land for environmental and social goals. The results indicate the interaction between urban forests, the morphology of neighbourhood units and the relationship of these units with the sustainability and well-being of its inhabitants. Finally, the study analyses the potentialities or restrictions of the selected approaches to increase the benefits of the urban forest-neighbourhood relationship, and the use of integrating policies for the protection of forests in the metropolitan area of ​​Guayaquil.




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