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Vallejo, M., & Lara Calderón, M. L. (2024). The recovery of the creek Machángara in Quito. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(2).
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This study analyzes the problem of the ravine of the Machángara river in Quito, showing harmful practices generated by neighboring communities and aggressive territorial expansion in protected areas and places of high vulnerability. The origin of this is the inapplicability of norms and the lack of concern of the state in the risk of settlements, which has led to a decrease in the quality of natural resources, of the city and to health problems for the exposed population. The hypothesis is that to improve the quality of the city and mitigate health problems, it is necessary to implement measures to restructure the regulations, and thus, correct territorial policy errors committed in the past. The objectives of the study are to analyze executed proposals from countries with similar characteristics, allowing reflection on the process of articulation and linking of actors in the implementation of successful planning tools and processes, to subsequently generate guidelines to address the recovery of Machángara ravine. To this end, a combined methodology is proposed that allows obtaining an overview of the problem, as well as a glimpse towards possible solutions to the points evidenced. In conclusion, the need to implement measures and correct territorial policy errors to reduce the harmful effects on the exposed population and improve the urban quality of the Machángara ravine settlements is highlighted.



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