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Palero, J. S. (2024). Participatory methodologies in architecture: the pioneering proposals of Turner, Habraken and Alexander. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 26(2).
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This work systematizes three different ways to address participation in architecture, in order to find clues for future interventions in the built environment based on dialogue between technicians and neighbors. To find these methodological paths, the proposals of John Turner, Nicholas John Habraken and Christopher Alexander will be taken as references. These architects are of crucial importance considering that they set the theoretical foundations of participation during the sixties and the seventies. These authors are frequently reviewed for their theoretical contribution to participation in architecture. In a different sense, this text proposes to review their writings with a methodological perspective. This review proposes, more than a defense of user participation, different ways to carry it out. As part of the results, methodologies are systematized according to their minimum elements (role of technicians, role of inhabitants, stages and instruments). The discussion addresses the conceptual background of each proposal. Finally, the conclusion includes methodological recommendations to address participation in architecture according to the requirements of the context and personal visions of the professional role.



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