How to Cite
Chica-Segovia, A., León, C. A., & Patiño-León, L. R. (2023). El estudio patológico en tiempos de Building Information Modeling: de la teoría a la práctica. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 25(2), 138–145.
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) has generated important changes in architecture. Although pathology studies are no stranger to this, their immersion involves challenges such as harmonizing conventional and contemporary digital languages and making the most of what BIM offers. This project proposed a methodology, from the conventional digital one currently used, towards one compatible with what BIM allows, by integrating graphic, qualitative, and quantitative data in all its dimensions for diagnoses and interventions, knowing that the expert gaze must be part of it in any case. In the first phase, the comprehensive conventional methodology was structured, using the concept of the damage mechanism and diagnostic matrix with the data collected in the field, to be parameterized in a BIM model, that promotes its adequate use and analysis, making it possible to integrate all the disciplines and phases involved in the process. This article presents the methodological formulation phase for the characterization of buildings in their pathology component, as an instrument for collecting information in a qualitative and quantitative language that can be managed from the BIM model. To this end, a structure and a route are defined for the development of the protocol in its three phases of recognition, diagnosis, and intervention, integrating the analysis of the information in an orderly manner using the hypothetical-inductive method that characterizes the pathology and that, for now, can only be carried out conventionally.



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