RevArq 15 2013
How to Cite
González Vargas, K. (2013). Breakfast with walkers Bogotá. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 15(1), 131–134.

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Breakfast with "Caminantes Bogotá" is a collective that links the academy to society through recreational activities. This aims to revitalize, restore and refresh public spaces that have been degraded in the city through their appropriation, with activities involving pedestrians and residents who want to share one morning a month somewhere in the city of Bogotá. These activities seek to integrate citizens and inhabitants of the sector and make them slowly become familiar with the proper use of space and motivate them to recover it. It also aims to create partnerships with participants to create collective memory and make the audience get involved with the use of recyclable material to give it new uses and optimize this resource. The ultimate aim consists of creating social networks to reproduce what they have learned in their envi¬ronments and communities so as to achieve awareness networks around how important space around us is.


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