How to Cite
Pedraza Pacheco, F. A., & Santana Murcia, A. R. . (2021). Comuna 13, case study: the story told on the walls as a strategy for a social entrepreneurship. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 23(2), 3–11.
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The case study has proven to be an adequate methodological tool for scientific research in different areas of knowledge, given its ease to obtain information from qualitative and quantitative sources. The article presents the work carried out by the "Design Pedagogy" and "Cultural Heritage" research “seedbeds” of the Faculty of Design of the Universidad Católica de Colombia throughout the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 in the city of Medellín, Antioquia. The research began by identifying the meaning that the cultural, tangible and intangible heritage has for the neighborhood community of commune 13, from the analysis of unrecognized heritage events and their contrast with the descriptive variables defined by UNESCO 2003. In this order of ideas, the “GraffitiTour” was selected as an unrecognized heritage event. Its analysis is based on the community recognition of graffiti as an artistic expression and the importance of the tour as a project of social entrepreneurship project in the area.



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