RevArq 15 2013
How to Cite
Carvajalino Bayona, H. (2013). Learning from the barrio La Paz : a scenario from which link the academy to this other architecture. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 15(1), 120–130.

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The article includes academic reflections from an experience with students from the Faculty of Architecture of the Universidad Católica de Colombia in the La Paz neighborhood, at the south of Bogotá. It was an experience from which there is much to learn in a popular scenario that allows a link from the academy to contemporary urban reality and its housing problems. The text describes many questions and concerns that arose around an innovative project from the perspective of an academic setting wherein a first methodological approach was designed, a process that forced us to delve into these other ways of inhabiting popular neighborhoods and, from there, to begin proposing ideas that, ultimately, aimed at improving what was built through an experience that leaves many lessons learned and a lot of questions still to be answered.



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