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How to Cite
Bedoya, C. M. (2022). Manual concrete manufacturing by means of mechanical suspension for application in popular habitats. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(1), 98–105.
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This paper presents a methodology for the manual preparation of concrete mixtures using the principle of mechanical suspension, with which concrete mixtures were obtained with optimal performance in terms of compressive strength, porosity, density and void percentage. Destruction tests were performed on cylindrical samples at 7, 14, 28 and 56 days of age; porosity, bulk density and voids according to ASTM C-642; Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with chemical probe analysis; and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) measurements. The results allow concluding that it is feasible to manually make concrete mixes without increasing cement consumption, which optimizes the material’s performance in terms of durability, since a homogeneous material was obtained with better dispersion of the cementitious material, which qualifies its rheological conditions. This work was granted an Invention Patent, number 16136903, and both the author and the Universidad Nacional de Colombia have donated this process to society so that it can be carried out in territories such as Latin America, Africa and Asia, which share self-construction processes, with advice from academic and social work centers. It can also be used in works that require the elaboration of small quantities of concrete for mixture adjustments.



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