How to Cite
Marulanda-Montes, A., Mejía-Amézquita, V., & Giraldo-Ospina, T. (2022). Urban art as a transforming tool for a new citizenship. Muralism in Manizales, Colombia. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(2), 50–60.
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Street art today, specifically murals and graffiti, have contributed different imageries to those hinted at in planned cities with a positivist and rationalist heritage and, although research in this regard in Colombia is few, there is a nascent field of study with wide possibilities for understanding it in relationship with the appropriation of public space and other ways of conceiving, understanding, and inhabiting the city. This article tries to glimpse the role those contemporary artistic expressions of muralism play in inhabiting the urban space of Manizales. This work focuses on the inventory of murals made between 2012 and 2020 and the subsequent reflection on socializing dynamics to rethink the public in the city. The research methodology was qualitative based on a hermeneutical and phenomenological analysis. A geographic information system (GIS) was used to group the murals into four categories: artists, themes, places and festivals or urban art narratives. The results denote prevalence and common aspects in relation to the defined categories, which allowed a reflective exercise from the observation of the phenomenon itself. This work allowed a critical look at muralism in the city, identifying it as a participant in the appearance of differentiated places and as an expression that contributes to creating different imaginations from those established, suggesting the transformation of public space.



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