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Escandón, P.-A., & Valbuena, W.-S. . (2022). Thinking-feeling the City. Knowledge and emotions related to pedestrian accidents. Formulation of an urban design problem . Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(1), 33–43.
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Mitigating the accident rate in our Latin American cities is a key factor for urban designers and planners to include in their proposals various approaches and studies to understand people's behavior on the subject. To comprehend the cognitive-emotional mechanisms of the different road actors in the public space contributes to the formulation of design strategies to configure safe environments that vindicate the action of walking for contemporary citizens. With the purpose of reducing the accident rate in the city of Manizales, Colombia, a study is being carried out to analyze how the emotions and knowledge of road actors contribute to change their interaction with the city. The methodological approach of the study is qualitative and participatory, based on the guidelines of design for behavior change, emotional design, and participatory design (PD), with the aim of outlining the design route to respond to the problem of accident rate in the city. The results show limited knowledge of pedestrians and drivers related to road regulations and dissimilar emotions among these road actors. The conclusions of the study allow projecting a design problem focused on developing PD strategies that synchronize emotions between drivers and pedestrians, inducing experiential learning about road regulations in context.



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