How to Cite
Echeverria, M. (2022). The intervention and planning of housing in formality or informality. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(2), 72–83.
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Architecture reflects society, and changes, just as philosophical thinking, politics, and economics are changing. Currently, society is more diverse, less hierarchical, which leads to changes in social structures; therefore, the conception of the housing should also be different, and the goodwill of individuals in the future will be replanted. The same living has evolved: with the influence of the modernization processes it has become a commodity, and its analysis is generally carried out from the technical, formal, and economic aspects, leaving aside the social problems and the lack of satisfaction of the needs housing, which causes an increase in the qualitative deficit in the housing problem; above all, in Latin American countries. From the Bourdian notion of habitus, it is intended to understand how each individual orders his space and produces domesticity, so that we can understand individuals and their needs if we can intervene and design the future, which leads to rethinking the role of architecture, which sometimes solo treats the architectural object as a physical element. The architecture has a contribution in the social sphere, and it can include the participation of users in the planning and the intervention of the living, where the necessities, the experiences and, above all, the feeling of empowerment of the place arise.



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