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Alcocer-García, P., Chung-Alonso , P., & Correa-Fuentes, D. A. (2022). Emergency services access to public spaces: distance and time ratio. Revista De Arquitectura (Bogotá), 24(1), 54–62.
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The quality of life of citizens is a direct reflection of the access they have to urban facilities and services; focusing interests on the study of emergency care centers (medical, security, civil protection and firefighters) for the type of service they provide. The article measures the accessibility of the equipment in terms of the distance (radius of influence) and the estimated time to the open public spaces of the city of Colima, Mexico through the Geographic Information System (GIS) QGis, creating maps with concentric radius of influence at every kilometer of distance to identify its range. The results show a centralized pattern, through one or two infrastructures for each service, leaving vulnerable areas in the peripheries in the face of emerging situations; the security system is the only one identified with an urban sectorization for effective care. Finally, the need to reorganize the structure at the urban level is concluded, by means of attention centers on a smaller scale than the current ones, but which together provide an optimal and complete service in the urban area.



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